
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On the Road Again

This blog will be posted some time after it was written due to an outside directive to not talk about my living donor experience until after I have donated.  If you are reading this, it is because I have completed the donation process.

April 27, 2011.

Almost six months to the start of this whole thing and I finally feel like the process and journey are back on track, or at least going somewhere.  Tomorrow I get to meet with Dr. S. Not only is he easy on the eyes (totally not relevant or important but a "nice to have" in any life situation) but he holds a lot of answers to questions I have (or that others have for me!). I feel so relieved and excited to finally be moving forward. It feels like the whole project has been hibernating through this wicked winter we've had and things are finally waking up, coming back to life again. It's a good feeling.

I've never been one to make a list of questions for a doctor (or anyone for that matter) but I might just do that tonight so I don't miss anything.  I am a little nervous but far less so than I've been in the time since meeting with Dr. N. This appointment makes it much more real and at the same time there is something calming about the recent progression and the knowledge that will come with it.